The Pragmatic Seeker — An Introduction

The Pragmatic Seeker
3 min readNov 27, 2021

Meditation is my Medium to explore life at its best. And I am here to share with you my explorations, investigations, struggles, discoveries and insights as I meditate & clap my way through life.

Meditation is a pragmatic tool available to everyone. Its benefits apply to work, play and better living. It deepens curiosity to seek knowledge.

So, from time to time, I will inspire you to meditate.

I will demonstrate that with meditation it is possible to simplify complexities of life. To begin with I plan to adopt 4 flavors in my writing (I am sure these will grow over time)

  1. A major part of my writing will be about my experiences and insights that I have gained & continue to gain through meditation. Meditation will remain the underlying theme of my writing. I will fanatically expose relevance of meditation in daily life. I will write to dispel confusions & connect you again & again with practicality of the matters at hand. I know of no other better way to stay grounded & connected with reality than meditation. So I will share what is closest to my heart.
  2. I will also nudge you to meditate from time to time.
  3. Now, I don’t see any use of writing about meditation if it doesn’t tie in to an experience of transformation for you. Therefore, as an extension of my regular articles, I will create small articles using headlines prefixed “Your Turn”. Here I will present easy to do experiments which will help you explore, notice and enjoy meditations on your own.
  4. Under the headings prefixed “Mind-Matter-Meditation”, I will write about everyday objects and attitudes — mundane things. By shedding enough curiosity I try to make them alive. Turn trinkets into treasures. I want to split-open endless possibilities in a piece of stone.
  5. On the side you will find stories of a pragmatic seeker mouse. A fictional character in search of a larger meaning of life. You will enjoy reading about his struggles, his adventures & his search for an imaginary elephant guide & friend. The setting is fictional. But experiences are relatable.

Meditation is the underlying theme of my writing.

Who Am I?

I started meditating 15 years ago.

Meditation is like a friend to me that keeps me grounded, relaxed and happy. It supplies me with soul power. It makes my intelligence flow towards knowledge and insights. It keeps feeding me with an everlasting curiosity and appetite for enquiry.

It keeps me moving forward gently untangling me from sticky concepts & ideas.

What’s With the Pen Name — “The Pragmatic Seeker”

The pragmatic part of my pen name is to convey that I am a big advocate of practical applications. Yes, there are 10 ways to make your life better and there are 100 books to read in 2022, 23, 24. But there is one way to do it.

I want to shed-off the make-believe world. I am looking for findings & learnings of a practitioner, howsoever small or insignificant they may be. Because a practitioner is always closer to reality.

The seeker part of the name conveys a forward motion. A search for new knowledge. To not get stuck in a shell of concepts, ideas & judgements. To discard seriousness and grossness. A pragmatic person can get stuck in ideas. But a pragmatic seeker must move forward. A pragmatic seeker can reinvent and change.

The reason I am using a pen name, because it allows me to write up-and-above my self imposed identities giving me a child like freedom. This freedom is necessary to convey the experiences of meditation fearlessly.

Why Meditation?

What I have found is that meditation is the most practical tool for self exploration easily available to everyone.

Meditation is also protector of scientific temper.

Do you know which is the most important instrument that scientists use for their scientific experiments?

Their minds.

If your mind is muddled up, it is tough to keep up a scientific attitude.

Meditation nourishes your mind. Like an earthworm that munches on dead leaves, turning waste into a fertile manure.

Meditation is a tool that takes you deep into your feelings, replenishing your emotions which you thought had dried up.

So, peek in. See what you like. Stay for a while. Meditate for a while. If it triggers something in you, leave a comment. And clap in joy.

So, chop chop…Hop in…The ride has begun…



The Pragmatic Seeker

A Wondrous Journey of Self Discovery | Stories, Ideas, Practical Methods & Inspiration for those seeking, stumbling & grumbling. But not giving up.